Consolid Nano Ground Consolidation Technology is a high tech ground stabilisation technology that is different from the traditional methods as it makes compaction totally irreversible. CONSOLID NANO GROUND CONSOLIDATION TECHNOLOGY is universal technology which is improving and stabilising the situ grounds for each kind of earthwork and highway engineering for permitting with maximum effect to build roads, artificial ponds, lakes and landfills.
The Consolid Nano Ground Consolidation Technology was expressly developed for ground stabilisation. Every cohesive ground possesses the characteristic to petrify again. It requires a very long time and high pressure. Through the addition of catalysts we can speed up this process. The Consolid ground stabilization technology speeds up the natural process of solidification of all kinds of cohesive ground. It improves and consolidates the ground. The Consolid technology is changing the behaviour of any ground itself toward petrification and does not act as a binder or chemical reactant. A ground, once treated remains treated for permanent and will keep the advantages of the upgrade without timely limitation. A treatment of grounds with additives products of the Consolid technology allows to upgrade any kind of ground to risk free construction material. The improvement of the treated ground is substantial and allows to incorporate up to 50 to 70 % of clayey, silty fines material which is usually classified as unacceptable for construction purposes in road construction or road rehabilitation. The treatment improves not only the stability and loading capacity; it enables also a tailored realization of full impermeability, which allows to use treated ground as lining in ponds or artificial lakes, dams and other water exposed constructions. Such treated impermeable ground material is also excellent construction material for dams, railway embankments and formations, but also of high value to form bottom ground layers as well as covering ground material at disposal areas to avoid seepage and the pollution of groundwater.
A ground loses its bearing strength by taking up water. Therefore any diminution of such water absorption will yield increased bearing capacities. The CBR value (California Bearing Ratio) taken as an indicator for the bearing capacity of a ground, a CBR value of 10–30 times that of an untreated ground can be expected by the Consolid ground stabilisation treatment.
The CONSOLID NANO GROUND CONSOLIDATION TECHNOLOGY stabilisation products transform end of life, out of spec roads and pavements into safe, durable infrastructure, in a cost-effective manner.
As cement and lime are additives with hydraulic binding properties, they significantly increase the CBR values of any ground they are applied. However, Consolid Nano Ground Consolidation Technology does not have any binding property.
The Consolid Technology is just a copy of what Nature does - as all grounds worldwide are made up by rock which has in turn been transformed to ground by chemical and mechanical effects - and again, in a perpetual cycle, Nature turns these grounds back into rock.
The idea is the process of transformation and retransformation of the rock.
CONSOLID is a quick way to speed up the hardening "process" of treated grounds towards petrifaction.
In Chemistry, the "processes" that need time and important energy - like the transformation of ground into rock - can be modified and sped up clearly thanks to the addition of catalysts.
By imitating Nature and using chemical knowledge, particularly in activating agents, ground behaviour can be modified regardless of its composition.
For 43 years, research and development in labs as well as the in-situ experiences, have made possible to find effective solutions with spectacular results both on the stabilisation ratio and the durability of the treatment which seems to be guaranteed for over 100 years...
The scarcity and occasional exhaustion of conventional construction materials make it necessary to use in increasing quantities in-situ ground in road construction and road maintenance and in any other earthwork to protect nature and
environment, save the ending resources of gravel and crushed rock and avoid wasting of valuable materials.
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Rain water can penetrate | Rain water can penetrate slowly | Rain water can not penetrate |